
Mars 2022

Mars 6th December 2022

Mars 2018

Mars 29th August 2018

Mars - 17th Auguest 2018

Mars - 17th August 2018

Martian global dust storm 2018

Martian global dust storm remnants and low contrast surface features visible in these 2018 images from June and July.
12 inch Newtonian and GSTAR-EX3

Mars 10th June 2016

Mars 10th June 2006
12-inch telescope & GSTAR-EX3

Volcanoes of Mars

Mars 10th June 2006
4 major volcanoes visible.
12-inch telescope & GSTAR-EX3

Mars 17th May 2016

Mars in May 2016
12-inch telescope LP-GUIDE-C2 colour camera

Mars 28th May 2016

Mars in May 2016
12-inch telescope LP-GUIDE-C2 colour camera

Mars 25th June 2016

Mars 25th June 2016
12-inch telescope LP-GUIDE-C2 colour camera

Mars 2nd July 2016

Mars 2nd July 2016
12-inch telescope LP-GUIDE-C2 colour camera

Mars April 2014

Mars 4th April 2014
Angular size 15 arc seconds
12-inch Newtonian - ProStar 5X barlow and Vixen 2.4X c-mount tele-extender & Imaging Source camera. 

Mars 9th March 2012

Mars 9th March 2012
DBK21 618 colour CCD camera & Sky-Watcher 305mm Newtonian

Mars 2010

Mars January 16th 2010
Telescope 12-inch Newtonian and ProStar RGB filters. Seeing poor.
Camera: GSTAR-EX 

Mars 2005

Mars 10th Oct 2005
 Telescope 10-inch Newtonian
Monochrome video & RGB filters

Martian Dust Storm

Mars Southern Dust Storm

Large dust storm to the west of Solis Lacus on the 25th October 2005 curving south to south-east at left. It appears to have subsided by the 27th in the image at right. Telescope 254mm Newtonian @F/36 Filters: GSTAR-EX and RGB True Technology with IR cut.

Mars 2003

Mars 2003
South is up
Astrovid 2000 and
60cm Cassegrain at F/36
Filters: RVB (IR cut)

Mars 2003 small scope

Mars U.T 17:30 - 7th August 2003
North is up. 
200mm telescope @ f27
Astrovid 2000 + RGB filters (IR cut)

Mars 2001

Mars 2001
Astrovid 2000 and
24 inch Cassegrain at F/36
from Siding Spring Observatory
Filters: Cousins IRVB

Mars 2001

Mars 2001
Astrovid 2000 and
24 inch Cassegrain at F/36
from Siding Spring Observatory
Filters: Cousins IRVB

Mars 1999

Mars 1999
May 1st UT 13:57 - f/36
This image is the combination of 1 x low-res colour camera image and 1 x hi-res monochrome image taken within minutes of each other. 

Mars 1997

Mars 1997
Reviewing some old VHS video tape of Mars, this image is comprised of 23 of the best paused frames from the steadiest moments.

Mars - Phobos and Deimos

Mars and moons, Deimos (left) and Phobos (right) August 2003
A frame integrating CCD video camera was used for the deep exposure required to detect the faint moons.
As a result, Mars is over-saturated.

Mars near occultation with the Moon

Mars very near the Moon as seen from Sydney. U.T 16:25 October 6th 2003. Taken through cloud while the Moon was low in the sky.

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